About This Class

A JOY fabric collage greeting card is a beautiful handmade gift that is sent in the mail or delivered in person. Individualized, customized with your personal signature, preferences and palette. 

The focus is a photo – one you take or one you collect. The background is fabric providing warm texture and support to the photo. Stitching and embellishment add flavor. Sewing experience is basic level. Sewing machine is optional. 

Easy to make with friends and family. Age appropriate for six years and up. Think of them as a creative experience – an artist date with yourself or other people you care about. Something you can do with the kids or a kids party. Step-by-step instructions provided. 

Kits are available. You can take the class on your own timing and pacing.

This On Demand class is $39. Kits are available for an additional charge of $15 (fabric, photo, card/envelopes, embellishments) for 3 cards. Please contact me to purchase your kit.
